Monday, July 31, 2023

Which Way to Witchville BOM - August

 Our last two rides and block has arrived.

It's hard to believe that we only had one more month left! Yep, you read that right. HAD! Carol has decided to give you all the finishing instructions a month early. I am pretty sure that is OK with all of you! LOL!! We are excited to see your quilts finished and now you for sure have enough time, before the big day in October arrives.

And on that note...we are working hard on next years BOM right now for you. I'm excited about it and I think you are going to LOVE it! Need a little hint? Think of something you likely played with as a child. That's it, my lips are sealed now. You can ponder on that until it starts! 

Here are the last brooms for you.

Chester's Haunted Ride
You can download the pattern for free this month only 
Belindas Beastly Broom
From Carol at "Just Let Me Quilt"
Carla's Pumpkin Palace
from Carla at "Creatin' in the Sticks

You can also find the download for these patterns on our Cackling Stitches Facebook group page
You will find it at the top of the page in the Featured Posts tab.

This BOM runs from Jan 1st through September 30th August 31. As with years past, on the first day of each month, we will release block patterns on our Facebook group page, that will be free for that calendar month. They will then go into our individual ETSY shops, where you can purchase them for $2 each block.  We have had emails and fielded many questions, so what is "new" this year, is that the entire pattern is now available in each of our ETSY shops for $15.  You no longer have to wait until it's over, to be able to purchase the pattern. It's also an option for those of "us" who just can't wait for the next months release. LOL!! 

We hope you appreciate the time we put into creating this BOM and understand that we are keeping the costs to a minimum for you. We ask that you respect our copyrights and do not share this pattern. Your welcome to direct your friends to our Cackling Stitches Group Facebook page HERE, or any of our blogs and Etsy shops

MooseStashQuilting ETSY Shop

Just Let Me Quilt Blog - Just Let Me Quilt ETSY Shop

Creatin' in the Sticks Blog - Create in the Sticks ETSY Shop

July Blocks

Scream or Stitch
Blog - MooseStashQuilting

Wanda's Wicked Broom

Rose's Ride

June Blocks

Wicked or Wacky Witch

Spell Binders

Carols Creepy Cottage

May Blocks

"Village Cobbler"

"Beware of Witchville"

April Blocks

"Cauldron Cafe"
Blog - "MooseStashQuilting"

"Magic Wand Salon"

"Winona Grimm"

March Blocks

"Flying Lessons"

Witchville Gala Night

Flying Geese - free pattern throughout the BOM
Download the pattern HERE

February Blocks

Witchville Bakery 
An Apple a Day 

 January Block

Town Square

Now fire up your machines and start sharing your blocks with us, on our Facebook page!

 til next time...

 Keep on Stitchin'

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Friday, July 21, 2023


 Has Blogger been driving you crazy lately?

Google did some updates with photos for our blogs, this month and I've had some strange things happen to my blog. It all makes me think it's related.

The timing was not the best with Carol's "Picnic Party" challenge going on this week, but then is there ever really a good time for problems? There were issues getting posts to post, links to go to the correct places, it even threw in a blogspot link for me. I haven't used that in years! Where did that even come from??? Oh the joys of technology.

I hope you  got to visit all our bloggers and see their fun projects. 

Next month, I am hosting...

Not that it is even remotely related to the issues we have been having this week, but it is pretty funny considering...
There is still a few more spots available, if anyone is interested. Carol has had some emails from bloggers saying they could not get a hold of me to sign up. I've reached out to you and hopefully you have gotten my messages.  
I realized yesterday that I had not been getting my Gmail emails on my phone or iPad. With all the Google changes, I had to re-sign in, and that took me 3 times before it went through. It's now working for me, but you might want to check on your devices as well. 

To sign up I need to following information...

Crazy should be easy for most of us, right now!
What project has driven you crazy? We would love to hear about it and maybe all get a good laugh.
Some days laughter is the best medicine, we can take.

 til next time...

 Keep on Stitchin'

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Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Picnic Party Challenge-It's My Day

This month Carol is hosting a "Picnic Party".
All the fun things you can think of, to make summertime the most fun!
She suggested making something to use for a picnic, like a basket or a tote.
Or a square quilt. 50" X 50" is the standard picnic size quilt measurement.

This one was an easy one for me. Carol and I met at "Garden of Quilts" last year in Lehi, Utah, and got to hear Jenny Doan from Missouri Star, speak. She talked about how everyone expects her to make a quilt for them when they get married and about how difficult it was to know their color preferences, their styles, etc. Would they really like it or even use it???  Who wouldn't love a quilt made by Jenny, but she is absolutely right, it's a lot of work, especially if they don't use it. She now makes picnic quilts for wedding gifts and shares wonderful tips on keeping marriages fresh and alive.

We had a wedding coming ding ding ding...the bells went off in my head.

The kids share their love of the outdoors and chose a fishing theme for their wedding.
I went through my quilt patterns and found the perfect one...

This is "Gone Fishing" by Angie Padilla

It doesn't matter if you standing in the water...

sittin' in a boat...

or sleepin, in a's all about the adventure.

The details in this pattern, are what drew me in.

It was fun picking fabrics for it.
Just as much fun as working on decorations for the wedding.

The guest "book" were little wooden fish, to sign and hang up on the side of this cool old truck.

Gifts were put on the tailgate!

We used a huge fish net, I bought at an auction in Alaska, years ago. Why you ask??? Well, put a sign in my hand at an auction, and I kind of loose my mind! LOL!! Much like a sale at a quilt shop. 

Each guest got a fishing bucket filled with goodies. And if you look close you can see that there were live fish on the table.

The cake sat on top of a glass table full of live fish.

We even had a fish and chip "bar", potato chips and goldfish!
How redneck is that?

So as you can see, the fishing quilt tied it all together.

As Jenny suggested I added a label, (forgot to take a photo) telling them keep dating their whole lives and to picnic once a week. A bottle of wine and a peanut butter sandwich on the living room floor when life gets crazy.
The quilt is to be loved and used and is looking forward to going on many adventures with them throughout their life. 
Words that Jenny expressed in her talk. 
Words that we all really should live by!

I look forward to seeing where this quilt travels, as well!

Enough about check out what picnic delights, 
my fellow bloggers have to share today!

 til next time...

 Keep on Stitchin'

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Saturday, July 15, 2023

Picnic Party Challenge Hop Starts Monday


Are you ready to party?

Summer is in full swing and picnics are popping up all over here, so join in on the fun and get your picnic party hats on.

The challenge this month is to create something to use on a picnic, like a tote, a basket or a quilt. I love these kind of challenges!

A big thanks Carol from "Just Let Me Quilt" for hosting us this month! I will see you on Thursday!

Monday July 17

 til next time...

 Keep on Stitchin'

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