Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Picnic Party Challenge-It's My Day

This month Carol is hosting a "Picnic Party".
All the fun things you can think of, to make summertime the most fun!
She suggested making something to use for a picnic, like a basket or a tote.
Or a square quilt. 50" X 50" is the standard picnic size quilt measurement.

This one was an easy one for me. Carol and I met at "Garden of Quilts" last year in Lehi, Utah, and got to hear Jenny Doan from Missouri Star, speak. She talked about how everyone expects her to make a quilt for them when they get married and about how difficult it was to know their color preferences, their styles, etc. Would they really like it or even use it???  Who wouldn't love a quilt made by Jenny, but she is absolutely right, it's a lot of work, especially if they don't use it. She now makes picnic quilts for wedding gifts and shares wonderful tips on keeping marriages fresh and alive.

We had a wedding coming ding ding ding...the bells went off in my head.

The kids share their love of the outdoors and chose a fishing theme for their wedding.
I went through my quilt patterns and found the perfect one...

This is "Gone Fishing" by Angie Padilla

It doesn't matter if you standing in the water...

sittin' in a boat...

or sleepin, in a's all about the adventure.

The details in this pattern, are what drew me in.

It was fun picking fabrics for it.
Just as much fun as working on decorations for the wedding.

The guest "book" were little wooden fish, to sign and hang up on the side of this cool old truck.

Gifts were put on the tailgate!

We used a huge fish net, I bought at an auction in Alaska, years ago. Why you ask??? Well, put a sign in my hand at an auction, and I kind of loose my mind! LOL!! Much like a sale at a quilt shop. 

Each guest got a fishing bucket filled with goodies. And if you look close you can see that there were live fish on the table.

The cake sat on top of a glass table full of live fish.

We even had a fish and chip "bar", potato chips and goldfish!
How redneck is that?

So as you can see, the fishing quilt tied it all together.

As Jenny suggested I added a label, (forgot to take a photo) telling them keep dating their whole lives and to picnic once a week. A bottle of wine and a peanut butter sandwich on the living room floor when life gets crazy.
The quilt is to be loved and used and is looking forward to going on many adventures with them throughout their life. 
Words that Jenny expressed in her talk. 
Words that we all really should live by!

I look forward to seeing where this quilt travels, as well!

Enough about check out what picnic delights, 
my fellow bloggers have to share today!

 til next time...

 Keep on Stitchin'

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  1. Your quilt is fantastic and what a creative wedding!

  2. What a great post!! I love the story - from the ideas Jenny sparked with her talk to the final photo of the wedding couple. What fun that must have been! I love the idea of a picnic quilt for weddings, I'm going to bookmark your post and do this next time there is a wedding. Your fishing-themed quilt is just spectacular!

  3. This is perfect Joan, and I love both the quilt and the wedding theme and prep. I hope those young folks have a zillion picnics together

  4. Oh my gosh that's gorgeous and a perfectly themed wedding! How funny!!

  5. What a cute, cute quilt. All the pictures (even of the wedding) were perfect. You did a great job picking a special project/quilt that fit in beautifully for this hop and for the wedding. Thanks for sharing; I enjoyed reading and seeing all the pictures.

  6. What a creative and unique wedding and the quilt was a perfect gift. I love the idea of picnic quilts instead of bed quilts. That Jenny is clever.

  7. That quilt is so cute! Each block has such detail and it! How fun to take it on a picnic or out on a fishing adventure. It is perfect for that cute couple! I am still amazed at how you managed to sew this and other quilts, plus get that beautiful wedding organized and ready. You are amazing! Thank you for sharing your picnic quilt. xo

  8. Adorable quilt, and the wedding decorations are fabulous!

  9. What a great quilt and story! I love all the pictures you shared of the wedding. I have never seen a fishing theme wedding but my husband would love it!!! It would be so much fun to make that quilt for him, but like you said, would he use it? I made so many afghans and quilts for his mother and they all ended up in a drawer untouched. In my opinion, a quilt isn’t loved until it’s worn out.

  10. What a fitting quilt - so much detail - and a a fun looking wedding! And what awesome advice for a newly married couple...advice we all need to follow, really!

  11. Such a great quilt and so much fun! What a fun wedding they had too. My husband and I go on a date each week - best advice ever!

  12. A perfect picnic quilt, Joan! I love that you added the sentiment on the label! Great advice for all married couples! The wedding looks so much fun. Love the theme!

  13. Very unique wedding theme! AND the quilt is perfect! May they have many many picnics on it in the years to come!

  14. Not only is it an incredible picnic quilt, it is also a brilliant idea with wonderful advice.

  15. Such a pretty quilt, and wedding. The quilt is the perfect wedding gift.

  16. What a wonderful quilt and wedding theme! Google is messing with me~ I am Sandie@crazy'boutquilts

  17. The quilt is beautiful and the wedding looks amazing. I love you advice to keep dating and picnic each week even if it's on the living room floor. We did that quite often when our children were babies and we couldn't get a babysitter. A living room picnic by candle light is magical.

  18. That DID tie the whole wedding together! What wonderful things they planned, and that truck was a major part of things. Love it. Thanks for sharing this project and the wedding.

  19. Beautiful wedding and the decor, theme and everything was low key but still festive. I love the quilt and how it ties to their relationship and the future. Well done and thanks so much for sharing a great family affair and gift!

  20. Fabulous. Best wishes to the happy couple.

  21. Gorgeous quilt! Love the photos of each block! What a wonderful wedding and gift for the happy couple! xx

  22. The quilt is beautiful! Fun and creative decorations for a fabulous looking wedding.

  23. Great idea for a wedding quilt!
    And I love the fishing theme for the wedding setting. It looked amazing.
    And to think you have live fish as well. Wow.
    Once you get started on a theme there's no stopping!
    I am loving the photos.


Thanks for stopping by today. Your comments really do make me day!